
Cash on delivery

Products pay the courier upon delivery directly to your designated address . COD price is € 1.20 . Please always prepare the necessary amount to accelerate the handover shipment .

Payment by bank transfer


You choose the bank transfer payment , we will send you an e-mail request . Delivery time is affected by the term making payment - goods are shipped after payment is credited to our account . About your payment , we learn with some delay generally two working days of your payment .

Credit card payment


Fast and convenient payment method . For paying select in the shopping cart and online credit card payment upon completion you will be redirected to our processing bank , which prompts you to enter data on the card - card number , card expiration date and CVV2 or CVC2 ( last three numbers on the signature strip of the card ) . If you have a secured card for payment on the Internet , so you will still be prompted to enter your password to the card.



The most convenient payment method . Pay in cash at the place and time of receipt of the goods , the payment is the same as the store.Tovar zaplatíte kuriérovi pri dodaní, priamo na Vami určenej adrese. Cena dobierky je 1,20€. Vždy si prosím pripravte potrebnú sumu, urýchlite tým predanie zásielky.